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D. Schiff and R. D'Agostino
328 pp., 1995
ISBN 0-471-544768-9   Wiley

Featuring applications based examples for all branches of engineering, this useful resource explains how to select appropriate measures for classifying data which must be analyzed, choose the best statistical procedures for evaluating important characteristics and apply these procedures to achieve the required results.

Order No. MA-2010

PROBLEM SOLVING A Statistician's Guide - Second Edition
Chris Chatfield
344 pp., 1995
ISBN 0-412-60630-5   Chapman Hall

Problem Solving sets out to clarify the general principles involved in tackling real-life statistical problems in an approachable and practical way.Part 1 illuminates the complex process of problem solving, including formulating the problem, collecting and analysing the data and finally presenting the conclusions. Part 2 consists of a large number of exercises and case studies which are problem-based, rather than focused on specific techniques, as in most other textbooks. Working through the exercises, with the aid of data and a range of skills including the ability to communicate. The book concludes with extended appendices giving a valuable reference summary of required statistical topics and some notes on the MINITAB and GLIM computer packages.

Order No. MA-2012

SCIENTIFIC UNIT CONVERSION A Practical Guide to Metrication
Francois Cardarelli
472 pp., 1996
ISBN 3-540-76022-9   Springer-Verlag

This unique and detailed guide gives accurate metric equivalents and conversion factors for more than scientific units, as well as detailed description of over 2,000 of them.

Order No. MA-2018

Chow Koch Sargent III
497 pp. 1994
ISBN 3-540-57614-2   Springer-Verlag

Discusses the underlying physics and operational principles of semiconductor lasers. The optical and electronic properties of the semiconductor medium are analyzed in detail, including quantum confinement and gain engineering effects. A semiclassical and a quantum version of the laser theory are presented, including an analysis of single- and multimode operation, instabilities, laser arrays, unstable resonators, and microcavity.

Order No. MA-2001

William H. Beyer, Ph.D. 1995
ISBN 0-8493-2479-3  CRC

Material is presented in a multi-sectional format, with each section containing a valuable collection of fundamental reference material in both expository and tabular forms. Additions to this 29th Edition include expanded sections on numerical differentiation and integration, new material on numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations and material on analysis-of-variance. Tables involving trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic and hyperbolic functions have also been updated.

Order No. SD-0502

STATISTICAL INTERVALS A Guide for Practitioners
Gerald J. Hahn and William Q. Meeker Gerald J. Hahn and William Q. Meeker
ISBN 0-471-88769-2   Wiley

Designed for practitioners in a wide variety of fields who need to draw conclusions from limited sample data, Statistical Intervals provides an arsenal of new and proven methods for prediction intervals, many of which are published here for the first time. The authors present a thorough compilation of intervals, tabulations, charts, and programs, as well as a broad range of practical examples drawn from their own diverse experiences. Requiring only a fundamental knowledge of statistics, this book will be of special interest to professionals involved in product development and quality assurance.

Order No. MA-1214

John Keenan Taylor
216 pp., 1990
ISBN 0-87371-250-1   CRC

Contents-What are Data? Obtaining Meaningful Data. General Statistical Principles. Statistical Calculations. Data Analysis Techniques. Managing Data Sets. Presenting Data. Selected Topics. Conclusion. Appendices: Statistical Tables. Glossary. Answers to Numerical Exercises. Index.

Order No. MA-1703

M. Evans, N. Hastings, and B. Peacock
192 pp., 1993
ISBN 0-471-55951-2   Wiley

From how long a new car will last to the chances of an earthquake in California, random variables play an important role in all kinds of statistical and probabilistic calculations.
Now you have the key formulas, tables, diagrams, and general properties of 39 major probability distributions that have well-known mathematical or empirical utility. Offering rapid access to previously scattered information, this concise handbook is ideal for a quick "look up" summary, clarification, or basic introduction to distributions, and will be an invaluable tool in research, teaching, and other professional activities.

Order No. MA-1206

STATISTICAL DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS With Applications to Engineering and Science
Robert L. Mason, Richard F. Gunst, and James L. Hess
692 pp., 1989
ISBN 0-471-85364-X   Wiley

If you utilize statistical approaches to solving problems in an experimental setting, then this new book will make your job easier. Practicing engineers and scientists will find it to be self-contained, requiring little formal training in statistics.
Mason's book is a practitioner's guide for designing and analyzing experiments. It features numerous examples using actual engineering and scientific studies and presents statistics as an integral component of experimentation from the planning stage to the presentation of the conclusions.

Order No. GE-0617

Bethea, Duran and Boullion
680 pp. illustrated, 1995
ISBN 0-8247-9335-8   Marcel Dekker

Contents-Introduction. Probability. Distributions. Descriptive Statistics. Expected Values and Moments. Statistical Inference: Estimation. Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing. Analysis of Variance. Regression Analysis. Orthogonal Polynomials in Polynomial Regression. Experimental Design. Appendix A: Matrix Algebra. Appendix B: Introduction to SAS. Appendix C: Tables of Statistical Functions. Appendix D: Answers to Selected Problems.

Order No. ST-0606

Prof. Robert Gibbons
320 pp., 1994
ISBN 0-471-587079   Wiley

This book provides comprehensive coverage of the appropriate use of statistics for making accurate use of groundwater monitoring data, and for setting up an effective monitoring program.

Order No. ES-1032

Peter C. Meier and Richard E. Zund
352 pp., 1993
ISBN 0-471-58454-1 Wiley

Suitable for the low-number of samples and high-precision situations commonly found in analytical techniques, this new book supplies the algorithms to eliminate statistical table handling, sample programs and data sets. It allows the reader to play with concepts, recognize trends and connections, and observe how the various equations are linked in decision making.

Order No. CH-4224

Irving W. Burr
552 pp., illustrated, 1976
ISBN 0-8247-6344-0   Marcel Dekker

Contents-Why Statistics? Characteristics of Data and How to Describe Them. Simple Probability. Three Basic Laws for Attribute Data. Control Charts in General. Control Charts for Attributes: Process Control. Control Charts for Measurements: Process Control. Further Topics in Control Charts and Applications. Acceptance Sampling for Attributes. Some Standard Sampling Plans for Attributes. Sampling by Variables. Tolerances for Mating Parts and Assemblies. Studying Relationships Between Variables by Linear Correlation and Regression. A Few Reliability Concepts.

Order No. ST-0609

William S. Messina
331 pp., 1987
ISBN 0-471-85774-2   Wiley

Provides the methods and tools for the manufacturing manager to improve quality, increase productivity, and enhance the competitive position of the manufacturing line. Proposes potentially controversial methods of performance appraisals, operation certification, line qualification, vendor certification, and just-in-time manufacturing. The organization of this book takes the reader logically from the basics of statistics through the fundamentals of statistical quality control, to the manufacturing applications and accompanying manufacturing strategies of statistical quality control (SQC). This book is the first written specifically for manufacturing management. Examples throughout the book demonstrate how the manufacturing manager can successfully implement SQC in the manufacturing process. Real-life manufacturing situations described illustrate situations managers are likely to find in their own line.

Order No. MS-0901

Roger W. Berger and Thomas H. Hart
80 pp., illustrated, 1986
ISBN 0-8247-7625-9   Marcel Dekker

Statistical Process Control (SPC) was invented by an American 60 years ago, but, never taking root in this country, became instead a pillar of Japan's postwar economic success. In order to face the worldwide competitive pressures increasingly felt by American industry, this concise new book reintroduces SPC methods to executives, managers, and engineers with little or no knowledge of the topic or the statistical concepts involved.
The first single-source volume that tells you how to start an SPC program!

Order No. GE-0905

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